For the February 21st Board of Adjustment hearing, the Memphis University School is proposing a new Arts & Sciences Building and an Indoor Practice Facility at its Balmoral Campus off Park and Ridgeway in East Memphis. The MUS application is part of 8 new proposals filed for next month’s BOA. Also included is an application for a new civic building for Second Baptist Church on Walnut Grove.
Memphis University School Arts & Sciences Building and an Indoor Practice Facility:

Images from the Board of Adjustment application BOA 2024-0008: BALMORAL ADJACENT
The 8 cases listed below have been filed with the Division of Planning and Development for consideration before the Memphis and Shelby County Board of Adjustment during its regular meeting on Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 2PM in the City Council Chambers of City Hall, 125 N. Main Street.
Comments are due to the staff planner listed below by Wednesday, February 14, 2024, at 8AM, so they can be incorporated into the staff report. (Note: Comments sent to anyone other than the staff planner will not be recognized or included in the staff report.) Comments received after this time will not be disseminated to the Board members. You may also attend the meeting to provide verbal testimony on any of these matters. The staff planners assigned to each case are listed below.
Full applications for these cases may be accessed from this website:
You may view this meeting on YouTube at the following link:
- BOA 2023-0166: OAKVILLE:Variance from Sub-Section 4.9.8A to allow a billboard as a secondary principal use located at 3141 Farrisview Rd. Staff Planner:
- BOA 2024-0001: SCENIC HILLS: Use Variance from Section 2.5.2 to allow a social service institution located at 0 Scenic Highway, approx. 260 feet east of James Road. Staff
- BOA 2024-0002: ARLINGTON: Variance from Sub-Section 3.6.1A to allow a front setback encroachment for a principal structure located at 11324 Long Rd. Staff
- BOA 2024-0003: WOLFCHASE ADJACENT: Variance from Sub-Section 3.10.2B to allow a lot less than 20,000 sq. ft. located at 0 Appling Farms, approx. 1,700 feet west of Appling Road. Staff
- BOA 2024-0004: UNIVERSITY AREA: Variance from Sub-Section 2.6.3S and Sub-Section 4.9.8A to allow a smoke shop with a billboard on the same lot located at 574 S Highland St. Staff
- BOA 2024-0006: EAST MEMPHIS: Variance from Sub-Section 8.5.2C and Sub-Section 10.2.3A to allow security improvements for Second Presbyterian Church located at 4025 Poplar Ave. Staff
- BOA 2024-0007: EAST MEMPHIS: Variance from Sub-Section 8.5.2C and Sub-Section 10.2.3A to allow a new civic building for Second Baptist Church located at 4710 Walnut Grove Rd. Staff
- BOA 2024-0008: BALMORAL ADJACENT: Variance from Sub-Section 3.6.2A to allow a theater building and indoor sports practice facility for Memphis University School located at 6191 Park Ave. Staff