Comments are due to the staff planners by Wednesday, July 19 at 8AM

From the Division of Planning and Development:
The 13 cases listed below have been filed with the Division of Planning and Development for consideration before the Memphis and Shelby County Board of Adjustment during its regular meeting on Wednesday, July 26, 2023 at 2PM in the City Council Chambers of City Hall, 125 N. Main Street. Please provide any written comments you may have to the staff planner indicated below by Wednesday, July 19 at 8AM so they can be incorporated into the staff report. (Note: Going forward, the date for agency and public comments will be the Thursday before the date of the meeting.) You may also attend the meeting to provide verbal testimony on any of these matters. The staff planners assigned to each case are listed below.
Full applications for these cases may be accessed from this website:
You may view this meeting on YouTube at the following link:
- BOA 23-066: RIVERVIEW: variance from Sub-Section 3.6.1A to allow foran encroachment of the principal structure into the required side (street) setback in the Residential Single Family – 6 (R-6) zoning district at 1831 Kansas St. Staff Planner: Alexis.Longstreet@memphistn.
gov - BOA 23-070: SOUTH BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT: variance from Item 2.6.3J (1)(b) to allow an encroachment of a pump island into the required side yard setback, Item 2.6.3J(2)(a) to allow an encroachment of fuel canopy into the required side yard setback, and to modify Condition No. 3 of BOA 21-0027 to allow for a 6′ wide side walk along Florida Street and E.H. Crump Blvd. at 837 Florida St. Staff Planner:
- BOA 23-072: MIDTOWN: variance from Section 3.7.2 to allow a single family semi-attached structure (two dwellings in total) on 25-foot wide lots where 30 feet is required in the Residential Urban – 3 (RU-3) zoning district at 38 Angelus St. Staff Planner:
- BOA 23-073: OAKVILLE: use variance from Sub-Section 4.8.4B(3) to allow for general outdoor storage and to allow shipping containers in the Commercial Mixed Use – 3 (CMU-3) zoning district at 3686 Knight Arnold Rd. Staff Planner: Alexis.Longstreet@memphistn.
gov - BOA 23-075: SHERWOOD FOREST: variance from Item 4.5.2C(1)(d) to allow a front yard parking pad at 3614 Allandale Ln. Staff Planner:
- BOA 23-076: EAST MEMPHIS: variance to allow an encroachment of the principal structure into the platted front yard setback pursuant to Sub-Section 3.2.9F at 4410 Barfield Rd. Staff Planner: Alexis.Longstreet@memphistn.
gov - BOA 23-078: EAST MEMPHIS: variance from Sub-Section 3.3.1B to allow lots with no road frontage, Sub-Section 3.10.2B to allow a reduction in the required front and rear setbacks, and Sub-Section 4.5.3B to allow a reduction in the required parking at 5110 Park Ave. Staff Planner:
- BOA 23-083: MIDTOWN: variance from Section 3.7.2 to allow apartments on a lot less than 10,000 sf in the Residential Urban – 3 (RU-3) zoning district at 1010 N Parkway. Staff Planner: Nicholas.Wardroup@memphistn.
gov - BOA 23-084: AUTUMN RIDGE: use variance from Section 2.5.2 to allow a social service institution (in-patient rehab facility) in the Residential Urban – 3 (RU-3) zoning district at 6880 E Raines Rd. Staff Planner:
- BOA 23-085: DOWNTOWN: variance from Paragraph 7.2.3D(5) to allow front loaded parking in the South Downtown Residential (R-SD) zoning district on parcel ID 007012 00047 between 500 and 520 Pontotoc Ave. Staff Planner:
- BOA 23-087: MIDTOWN: request for a Conditional Use Permit in accordance with Section 2.5.2 to allow a Tattoo Parlor in the Commercial Mixed Use – 1 (CMU-1) zoning district at 454 Parkway Place. Staff Planner:
- BOA 23-088 CO: CORDOVA: variance from Section 2.7.5 to allow an equestrian center as an accessory use for a place of worship at 1851 N Houston Levee Rd. Staff Planner:
- BOA 23-090: EAST MEMPHIS: use variance from Section 2.5.2 to allow buying and selling of gold and silver coins and similar products (retail sales and services) in the Residential Work (RW) zoning district at 560 Erin Dr. Staff Planner: