Calvary’s Lenten Preaching Series Turns 100!

All-star preaching lineup begins Feb. 22; Waffle Shop opens the next day

A century ago, the people of Calvary Episcopal Church began presenting special weekday noontime preaching during Lent in a downtown theater. Five years after that, the Waffle Shop began, serving plates of waffles, chicken hash, and fish pudding to those who came to hear the preaching. 
One hundred years later, Calvary still offers this “radical hospitality” to the City of Memphis with outstanding preaching and traditional Waffle Shop favorites available Wednesdays through Fridays through March 31
Spiritual leaders from Memphis and around the world are preaching this year, including the Rev. Dr. Rosalyn NicholsRabbi Micah Greensteinthe Rev. Barbara Brown TaylorFather Greg BoyleDr. Jemar Tisby and Jon Meacham (Meacham speaks on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 22, with no Waffle Shop that day). Preaching begins at 12:05 p.m., with a livestream available on Calvary’s website and social media channels. 
“This year brings one of the most diverse and powerful collections of voices into Calvary’s pulpit in a century of Lenten Preaching.” said the Rev. Scott Walters, rector of Calvary. “The soul of both Lenten Preaching and Waffle Shop is the diverse crowd of people who come together every Lent to listen, learn and be fed. We hope you’ll join us.”
In addition to noontime preaching, Calvary offers DIALOGUE: THE LENTEN PREACHING SERIES PODCAST RECORDED LIVE each Wednesday evening, including moderated conversations with selected Lenten Preaching Speakers and a light supper. 
Also continuing this year during Lent at Calvary is Silence in the City, an opportunity for quiet meditation in the church each Tuesday beginning at 12:05; no Waffle Shop will be available. 
A complete schedule of Lenten preachers as well as Waffle Shop daily specials is at more information about the Lenten Preaching Series, Waffle Shop, or Lent at Calvary call 901-525-6602. 
Calvary Episcopal Church, founded in 1832, worships in the oldest building in continuous public use in Memphis. Calvary is a parish of the Episcopal Diocese of West Tennessee and The Episcopal Church, a province of the Anglican Communion. For more information visit

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