Comments are due to the staff planner by Wednesday, October 18 at 8am.
From the Division of Planning and Development:
The 11 cases listed below have been filed with the Division of Planning and Development for consideration before the Memphis and Shelby County Board of Adjustment during its regular meeting on Wednesday, October 25, 2023 at 2PM in the City Council Chambers of City Hall, 125 N. Main Street. Please provide any written comments you may have to the staff planner indicated below by Wednesday, October 18 at 8AM, so they can be incorporated into the staff report. (Note: Going forward, the date for agency and public comments will be the Thursday before the date of the meeting.) You may also attend the meeting to provide verbal testimony on any of these matters. The staff planners assigned to each case are listed below.
Full applications for these cases may be accessed from this website:
You may view this meeting on YouTube at the following link:
- BOA 2023-0117: VALLEY FORGE: Use variance from Section 2.5.2 to allow an impound lot (heavy industrial use) and variance from Paragraph 4.8.4B(3) to allow general outdoor storage in the Commercial Mixed Use district at 3545 S Third St. Staff Planner:
- BOA 2023-0118: EAST MEMPHIS: Variances from Paragraph 4.9.7B(2) to allow attached signage greater than permitted, Item 4.9.7B(4)(b) to allow more than one attached sign per façade, Sub-Item 4.9.7B(9)(b)(i) allow a detached sign greater than permitted, and 4.9.7B(9)(c) to allow a detached sign less than 10 feet from the right of way for a place of worship in the Residential Single-Family – 10 (R-10) District at 120 N East Yates Rd. Staff Planner:
- BOA 23-0120: VOLLINTINE EVERGREEN: Variance from Sub-Section 4.5.2.C and Section 4.4.4 to allow a front yard parking pad and a drive wider than permitted at 836 N. Avalon St. Staff Planner:
- BOA 23-0121: HICKORY HILL: Time extension pursuant to Chapter 9.16 for BOA 21-08 at 6120 Hickory Ridge Mall. Staff Planner:
- BOA 23-0122: DOUGLASS: Variance from Paragraph 2.6.2B(2) to allow a group day care on a minor street greater than 150 feet from an intersecting arterial at 1679 Ash St. Staff Planner:
- BOA 23-0123: EAST MEMPHIS: Variance from Paragraphs 2.6.2C(1) and 2.6.2E(1) for a lighted recreational field at 4645 Walnut Grove Rd. Staff Planner:
- BOA 23-0124: UNIVERSITY DISTRICT: Variance from Sub-Item 8.3.13G(2)(a)(i) to allow a pole sign in the University District Overlay at 191 S Highland St. Staff Planner:
- BOA 23-0125: EADS ADJACENT CO: Use variance from Section 2.5.2 to allow contractor storage in the Conservation Agriculture (CA) district at 2339 N Reid Hooker Rd. Staff Planner:
- BOA 23-0126: EAST MEMPHIS: Variance from Item 2.7.2D(1)(b) to allow an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) larger than permitted at 21 Walnut Grove Ct. Staff Planner:
- BOA 23-0127: CAPLEVILLE: Request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow container buildings in the Employment (EMP) District at 4545 S Mendenhall Rd. Staff Planner:
- BOA 23-0128: EAST MEMPHIS: Use variance from Section 2.5.2 to allow a container building to be used for storage at Lichterman Nature Center in the Residential Single-Family – 10 (R-10) district at 5992 Quince Rd. Staff Planner: