Memphis Innovation Corridor: more public feedback encouraged

Updates & pop-ups, more concept plans revealed, and more public feedback encouraged

This week, more design concept plans of the new Memphis Innovation Corridor were revealed at the first outdoor pop-ups, held at the main Benjamin Hooks Central Library, the University of Memphis, Overton Park, and AutoZone Park.

However, this does not mean that you’ve missed out on the opportunity to provide feedback on the concepts. And, more in-person, open house pop-ups are being planned for later dates.

What is the Memphis Innovation Corridor? “Part of the City of Memphis Transit Vision Plan, the project will include mConnect, the first Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system in Memphis. mConnect will improve travel time and reliability for transit riders along the corridor.”

What’s this plan about? “It’s an effort to proactively plan for development near the (transit) stations along the frequent rapid bus route coming to Poplar, Union, and Downtown Memphis between U of M and St. Jude.”

Scroll on down for more details.

You can download the latest concept plans here: Transit Orientated Development Plan

Keep up with the latest timeline dates and developments here: Innovation Corridor and Memphis3point0.


Design concepts from the Transit Oriented Development Plan

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