Spring Collection: The Dogwoods Are Here

The Mid-South is in full spring bloom, and the mighty dogwoods are out, reaching for the sun and sky, busting for breath and life, outdoors.

In the middle of a quarantine, sounds like us.

The dogwood tree.

“There are many legends of the dogwood: some from modern times, some from ancient times, some funny, some of a religious nature, and some about where the name ‘dogwood’ originated.”

~The Dogwood Garden Club

The white blooms of the dogwood are not flowers, but are called bracts. Bracts bloom for about 10 days in spring, usually in April, unless spring arrives a little early, as it has this year.

Take a walk. Today. Enjoy the bract-bloom while you can.


Like a mirage, they glisten in the distance, beckoning the weary or curious traveler.

Top: Ellsworth Street, East Buntyn. Middle and bottom: Goodbar Avenue, Central Gardens
Left: Oliver Avenue, Cooper-Young. Right: York Avenue, Central Gardens

They may appear as if in a fairy tale, or from a Thomas Kinkade painting, fronting friendly cottages.

York Avenue, Central Gardens

Front Yards

The may surprise you. Alone. Or, they may hide in groups.

Left, Top: Goodbar Avenue, Central Gardens. Left, Middle: Nelson Avenue, Cooper-Young.
Left, Bottom: Southern Avenue, Buntyn. Right: Harbert at Rozelle, Central Gardens

Back Yards

One legend of the name “comes from the wood itself which is very hard, dense and rock-like when dry.  The wood was used to make ‘dogs’ or ‘doggerwood’ – an Old English term meaning ‘a stick used to skewer meat'”

~The Dogwood Garden Club
Above and Below, from Jan Shivley.

The Cherokee believed that a tiny people lived amidst the Dogwoods and that this divine little race was sent to teach people to live in harmony with the woods.

~The Dogwood Garden Club
It lives in harmony with others around it. Equally in company with maples, oaks, or wisteria. From Tamara Cook

When One Photo Isn’t Enough

Cooper Street. Cooper-Young

In Panorama

Dogwoods may be best seen cinematically, in full panorama. They may create landscapes of their very own, as snowy mountaintops or shady groves.

Goodbar Avenue, Central Gardens
Above and below: Central Avenue, Mansfield Arms.
Above and below: Cooper Street, Cooper-Young

Photos taken in Midtown and East Memphis, March 31 – April 3, 2020. Photos by Mark Fleischer, Jan Shivley, Tamara Cook

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